菲律宾留学专家|全国统一客服热线: 4006772011


Section 1. Rationale


In higher education. the disposition towards transitioning to the safe return to physical campuses and bringing back learners to school! is gaining ground as a result of recovery measures from the impact of COVID-19.


The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO-IESALC) articulated as eariy as 2020 that "immediate recovery requires measures that are fair and transparent, to support students." Thus, equitable policies, programs, and practices that support the safe return to physical learning spaces are deemed necessary without sacrificing the gains from the use of alternative and innovative learning modalities.


The impact of resuming onsite learning, also known as classroom-based, face-to-face or in-person learning experiences on the overall well-being of higher education learners cannot be overemphasized even in situations where emerging technologies, modalities,and methodologies of learning have been rapidly developed and implemented.


As of July 2022. the majority of Asian countries have developed learning recovery strategies using the outcomes of research in hybrid learning (HL) that emphasizes the need to revive forms of in-person learning. In support of this, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has articulated that "A hybrid model is plausibly the more resilient model for delivery of learning. Systems adept in both [school-based and self-paced home learning] will be able to switch from one to the other as circumstances demand.


This CMO, therefore, is adopted to provide clarity and support to HEIs towards their progressive transition to onsite learning within the larger context of flexible learning (FL).


Section 2. Definitions


The following are the essential terms in operationalizing this CMO:


1. Contact time refers to the total number of learning hours critical to achieving the intended learning outcomes of a course or subject.

1. 接触时间是指对实现课程或科目的预期学习成果至关重要的总学习时间。

2. Course coverage refers to the scope and sequence of knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be learned in a course or subject.

2. 课程覆盖范围是指在课程或科目中学习的知识、技能和态度的范围和顺序。

3. Flexible learning is the design and delivery of programs, courses, and learning interventions that address learners' unique needs in terms of place, pace, process, and products of learning. It involves the use of digital and non-digital technology and covers both face-to-face or in-person learning, out-of-classroom learning modules of delivery, or a combination of modes of delivery.

3. 灵活学习是指设计和提供课程、科目和学习干预措施,以满足学习者在学习地点、节奏、过程和产出方面的独特需求,它涉及数字和非数字技术的使用,包括面对面学习、课堂外学习模式,或各种模式的组合。

4. Onsite learning is the delivery of course content and learning experiences within a physical set-up such as a classroom, laboratory, learning hub, and the like. It is oftentimes referred to as classroom-based, on-campus, face-to-face, or in-person learning where teachers and learners interact physically following a prescribed course coverage.

4. 现场学习是在物理设施(如教室、实验室、学习中心等)内提供课程内容和学习体验。它通常被称为基于课堂的、校园内的、面对面的学习,其中教师和学习者在规定的课程覆盖范围内进行交流互动。

5. Distance learning refers to a mode of learning in which students and teachers are physically separated from each other. Commonly referred to as off-site or remote learning, this modality employs radio, television, printed modules, and even computer-assisted strategies and practices, A course delivered through a distance learning modality means that 50-100% of the contact time is conducted away from a physical learning set-up, whereas 0-49% of the contact time may be spent on some form onsite learning.

5. 远程学习是指学生和教师在物理上彼此分离的一种学习模式。通常称为异地或远程学习,这种模式采用广播、电视、印刷品,甚至计算机辅助策略和实践,通过远程学习模式提供的课程意味着50-100%的接触时间是在物理学习设置之外进行的,而0-49%的接触时间可能用于某种形式的现场学习。

6. Online learning refers to all forms of electronically supported teaching and learning especially the web-based and computer-based acquisition of, and engagement with knowledge and skills. It may take place in or out of the classroom, It is often an essential component of distance learning and may involve virtual learning environments. Online learning may be integrated in both onsite learning and distance learning contexts.

6. 在线学习是指所有形式的电子支持教学,特别是基于网络和基于计算机的知识和技能的获取和参与。它可能发生在课堂内外,它通常是远程学习的重要组成部分,可能涉及虚拟学习环境。

7. Hybrid learning is a learning approach that combines both remote learning and inperson learning to improve student experience and ensure learning continuity. By in-person learning in hybrid learning, it means classroom-based, on-campus, or face-to-face learning.

7. 混合学习是一种结合远程学习和个人学习的学习方法。让学生改善学习体验,确保学习的连续性,通过混合学习中的面对面学习,它意味着基于课堂、校园或面对面学习。

Section 3. Implementing Guidelines


HEIs are enjoined to adopt the following guidelines in transitioning towards onsite learning within the context of sustaining flexible learning and safe and healthy learning and working spaces:


1. Upon a comprehensive assessment of institutional capabilities, analysis of learner needs and preferences, and conduct of stakeholder consultations, HEIs may choose to design and deliver their degree programs through onsite learning or hybrid learning modality starting the Second Semester of School Year 2022-2023.

1. 在全面评估机构能力、分析学习者和偏好以及进行利益相关者咨询后,高等教育机构可选择从2022-2023学年第二学期开始,通过现场学习或混合学习模式提供学位课程。

2. Unless there is an approval from the Commission on Higher Education, an HEI cannot offer its recognized degree programs in full distance learning delivery including fully online modality.


3. For HEIs that will opt to deliver their degree programs in hybrid learning modality, at least 50% of the total contact time should be spent on onsite learning experiences. For example, for a three-unit course which requires at least 54 contact hours, 27 hours should be spent on a physical learning facility such as a classroom, laboratory, and other related learning spaces. The rest of the contact hours may be delivered through other FL strategies such as, but not limited to, self-paced printed or online learning modules, synchronous/asynchronous learning sessions, and remote guided peer learning approaches. 

3. 对于选择以混合学习模式提供学位课程的高等教育机构,至少50%的总接触时间应用于现场学习体验。例如,对于需要至少54小时接触的三个单元课程,应在线下学习设施(如教室、实验室和其他相关学习空间)上花费27小时。其余的接触时间可以通过其他灵活学习策略进行,例如但不限于自定进度的印刷或在线学习模式、同步/非同步学习课程和远程指导的互相学习等方法。

4. Laboratory/Shop courses along with on-the-job training (OJT) and apprenticeship programs shall from hereon be conducted primarily through onsite learning experiences.

4. 此后,实验室/车间课程以及在职培训(OJT)和学徒计划应主要通过现场学习实践进行。

5. In cases where partner host training establishments have integrated emerging remote work modalities including online options in the OJT and apprenticeship programs, the equivalent hours shall be included in reckoning the total training hours.

5. 如果合作伙伴主办的培训机构已将新兴的远程工作模式(包括在职培训和学徒计划中的在线选项)整合在一起,则在计算总培训时数时,应包括相应的时数。

6. The National Service Training Program (NSTP) shall resume its community-based design and implementation. Learning experiences may be supplemented by other FL strategies.

6. 国家服务培训计划(NSTP)应恢复其基于社区的设计和实施,学习实践可以通过其他灵活学习策略来补充。

7. Regardless of the chosen modality, the HEI must ensure that appropriate and adequate means to assess achievement of intended learning outcomes (ILOs) are effectively designed, implemented, and documented. Facilities and resources in support of the chosen modality should also be made available and accessible.

7. 无论选择何种模式,高等教育机构都必须确保有效设计、实施和记录评估预期学习成果(ILOs)实现情况的适当方法,还应提供支持所选模式的设施和资源。

8. In support of CMO No. 15, series of 2019, "Policies, Standards, and Guidelines in Graduate Education," graduate education programs that benefit various types of learners who require reskilling, upskiing, and cross-skilling may continue to operate following the preferred flexible learning modality of students.

8. 为了支持2019年高等教育委员会备忘录指令第15号 “研究生教育的政策、标准和指南”,研究生教育计划可继续按照学生首选的灵活学习模式运行,这些计划有利于需要重新学习、提升技能和交叉技能的各类学习者。

9. Institutions intending to operate graduate and undergraduate programs through Distance Education must secure prior approval from the Commission, by virtue of RA 10650 otherwise known as "Open Distance Learning Act"; CMO No. 27, series of 2005,"Policies and Guidelines on Distance Education"; CMO No. 6, series of 2022; and, CMO No.15, series of 2019.

9. 打算通过远程教育运营研究生和本科生课程的机构必须根据RA 10650(也称为“开放远程教育法案”)、高等教育委员会备忘录指令第27号(2005年)、高等教育委员会备忘录指令第6号(2022年)和高等教育委员会备忘录指令第15号(2019年)获得委员会的事先批准。

In the same manner, institutions intending to operate via Transnational Education must likewise secure prior approval/authority from the Commission as provided in CMO No. 4, series of 2020; and, CMO No. 62, series of 2016, "Policies, Standards, and Guidelines for Transnational Education."


10. HEIs shall submit to the CHED Regional Offices, for information, their respective teaching and learning institutional plans towards transitioning to onsite or hybrid learning at least one month prior to their schedule of opening of classes. The requirements as stipulated in Section 2, item 6 of CMO No. 6, series of 2022 shall be submitted

10. 高等教育机构应在开课前至少一个月向高等教育委员会区域办事处提交其各自的教学计划等信息,以向现场或混合学习过渡。应根据2022年第6号高等教育委员会备忘录指令第2节第6项中规定的要求提交相关文件。

11. The existing monitoring and evaluation mechanism for FL shall continue to be implemented by the CHED Regional Offices. Aside from helping the Commission make subsequent policy directions, the outcomes of the monitoring and evaluation may also serve as basis of recommendations for possible reclassification of an HEI's learning modality to distance learning that is governed by existing policies.

11. 高等教育委员会区域办事处应继续实施灵活学习的现有监测和评估机制。除了帮助委员会制定后续政策方向外,监测和评估的结果还可以作为建议的基础,将高等教育的学习模式重新分类为受现有政策制约的远程学习。

Section 4. Separability Clause


If any part of this Order is declared unconstiutional or invalid, such parts or provisions thereof not so declared shall remain valid and subsisting.


Section 5. Effectivity Clause


This policy shall take effect immediately after its issuance.









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